About Kol Ish

In the fall of 2005 a group of students at the University of Maryland formed Kol Ish. Over the course of four years in University they performed frequently at the campus Hillel for students, while performing professionally on weekends.

Kol Ish has gained acclaim across North America, performing at weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, synagogue events, and benefit concerts. They have been featured on Nachum Segal’s “JM in the AM,” JNet Radio in the UK, and on local radio across the east coast for their arrangement of the National Anthem.

Each member, in addition to having a passion for music and singing, has a penchant for humor. Now several years out of College, Kol Ish has seen a wider public exposure through the release of several fun and thought-provoking comedy videos, which have seen over 150,000 views in the past year.

Kol Ish is:

Shawn Levine, Michael Gevaryahu, Ayton Sanders, Eliyahu Dvorin, David Lipsitz, and JJ Katz